Weight Divisions
The SJJIF utilizes weight divisions to help minimize injuries and remove weight advantages. Contrary to popular belief, size is as important to Jiu-Jitsu as it is to other competition sports. Although a highly skilled small person may defeat a larger less skilled opponent, the usual result historically has been of some physical injury or injuries to the smaller opponent. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a size factor sport, weight divisions have been established to minimize becoming the prime determinant of the winner. We do however host open divisions at tournaments and participation in these divisions are optional for Juvenile, Adult, and Master participants. Competitors will not be grouped in age divisions by their actual age, but by the year in which they were born. The SJJIF will not place kids, boys and girls, together after the age of 12.
Competitors, or parents of children competitors, are responsible for ensuring that the weight is met with GI and/or rash guard already on. Any athlete that is over their registered weight is subject to disqualification.
As far as weight reduction for competition is concerned, the SJJIF strongly discourages the practice of dehydration or excessive caloric restriction; the use of diuretics, laxatives, and self-induced vomiting. The SJJIF strongly recommends that children compete at their natural weight and do not support or encourage any form of weight cutting for competition.
Weigh-in guidelines for competitors is as follows:
A- All Athletes must clear weight prior to their first match.
B- Athletes must have their uniform for competition on for weigh in.
C- Athletes are allowed to weigh in without knee or elbow braces, but they will have to be wearing them at the time of the uniform inspection.
D- The athlete cannot step on the scale with shoes or any item besides his/her regular uniform and equipment permitted for use during matches.
E- Each athlete shall only mount the official scale of the event to have his/her weight taken once unless authorized.
Kids weight divisions for GI and No GI competitions are as follows:
Juvenile, Adult, and Masters weights divisions for Men and Women in GI and No GI competitions are as follows:
Adult Weight Divisions for Adapted Jiu-Jitsu and Special Events for Men and Women in GI and No GI competitions are as follows:

Age Divisions
Competitors will be grouped in age divisions by year of birth, and not their actual age.
The SJJIF will not place children of the opposite sex, who are over the age of 12, in the same division.
The SJJIF recognizes men and women’s competitions. Matches between men and women are not permitted.
The SJJIF recognizes the following age divisions: