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The North American Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation would like to take the time to introduce its partnership with the Sport Jiu Jitsu Federation (SJJIF). As many of you have noticed that we have been using the SJJIF logo on all of our promotions for tournaments as well as using their rule book. You may have been wondering what exactly that meant or why it was present. The NABJJF has always, since its inception, had a clear mission to bring Jiu-Jitsu to the Olympics and that is the very reason for collaborating under the SJJIF rules. The SJJIF has established networks with federations in Asia, South America, Oceania, Europe, and now North America. The purpose for the SJJIF is to provide one governing body that unifies all the federations of Jiu-Jitsu into one set of rules.

The Olympic requirements for a sport to be considered by the National Olympic Committee and pass the International Olympic Committee vote one must adopt the Olympic Charter, have Worldwide recognition, and have an international governing body. Put simply the sport must embrace the same values of what defines the Games' structure and core values. The sport must be in existence and practiced in 6 continents and 60 countries by men and women. Have an international federation that oversees the federations and their sports activities worldwide and their implementation of one set of rules and regulations for the sport, while ranking top competitors out of each country to represent in the Olympic event. This is where the Sport Jiu-Jitsu Federation comes into effect to avoid confusion on the rules and regulations which sometimes can discourage many athletes, coaches, and supporters of the sport causing them to leave or not follow the sport.

The SJJIF mission is to unify all existing Jiu-Jitsu federations throughout the world into one singular body which shares the vision of reaching Olympic greatness and international recognition. It is an open organization that welcomes everyone that would like to collaborate to bring Jiu-Jitsu to the Olympics.

Register now to receive your SJJIF membership identification card.

Black Belts compete for free with SJJIF membership at all tournaments if registered by the early deadlines of every tournament.

membership Benefits

- Members will have access to download a member ID card to computer or phone
- Member will have complimentary admission as a spectator to any Sport Jiu Jitsu International Federation (SJJIF) tournament

Nationals Jiu-Jitsu Open - March 29th


Orange County International BJJ Open - April 26


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